LED Screen for Showrooms
Step into the world of our client's exquisite showroom, where innovation meets elegance and captivating displays leave a lasting impression.
As you enter, your eyes are immediately drawn to the centerpiece of the space – a stunning array of LED screens that seamlessly blend technology with the art of showcasing.

* Photos are referred from Internert
LED Screen for Showrooms
Step into the world of our client's exquisite showroom, where innovation meets elegance and captivating displays leave a lasting impression.
As you enter, your eyes are immediately drawn to the centerpiece of the space – a stunning array of LED screens that seamlessly blend technology with the art of showcasing.

* Photos are referred from Internert
單擊下面的鏈接查看有關 Telstra 預付費 SIM 卡計劃的更多詳細信息:

哪裏可以購買 Telstra 預付費 SIM 卡?
我們的Welcome Centre商店位於墨爾本Tullamarine機場 2 號航站樓國際到達廳一樓。
有關預付費 SIM 卡激活的關鍵信息
所有預付費 SIM 卡都必須通過真實個人身份證件(護照/澳大利亞駕照)、澳大利亞有效簽證和電子郵件地址激活。
激活預付費 SIM 卡後將創建您的 Telstra 帳戶。澳洲電信賬戶:
1. 幫助您充值或掛失SIM卡
2. 防止非法濫用您的號碼